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Audio & Visual 

Home Cinema Installations

With the advances in technology you don't have to go to the cinema to get that big screen and surround sound experience; you can have it in your own home!


Many people are now looking to upgrade their TV system to give them that 'WOW' factor when watching a film or sports and Doddington Aerials can install all the tech you need to do this.


Not only are large flat screen TVs coming down in price  but also the surround sound systems that bring a film to life are now cheaper than you may think too. There are now full 5.1 surround sound speaker and amplifier deals for as cheap as £500.


What is 5.1 surround sound?
5.1 is the commonly used name to describe a multichannel audio system.  The first number refers to the number of speakers and the second indicates the number of  subwoofers in the system.


With a 5.1 system the idea is to have the 5 speakers located around the room; this means that when you are watching a film  with surround sound each speaker is giving out a different bit of audio, so it's just like being at the cinema, and the subwoofer adds the bass; adding another dimension to your movie experience.


What does an Amplifier do?

The amplifier is central to the surround sound system. This is where all your speakers, subwoofer and DVD player connect. So instead of plugging your DVD player straight into your TV, by plugging it into the amplifier this allows the amplifier to send different audio to each speaker. But it's not just a DVD player that can be plugged into the amplifier, you can also connect your games console; which will put you right at the heart of any game! From hearing the crowd behind you when playing a football game, to hearing explosions all around you in the middle of a first-person shooter.


Below are some images of our Home Cinema Installation. 


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